Dental Claiming

Claim through the DeCare App

Submit your claim quickly and easily through the DeCare App which is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.

Pay & Claim

Pay for your dental visit as normal, then claim back your covered costs as soon as your treatment is complete.

If you require additional help in completing this form, you can download our Dental – Claiming Guide to get you started.

Direct Pay

When you visit a dentist on DeCare’s Direct Pay Network, DeCare will pay the dentist directly for the costs covered by your policy.

Visit our Dentist Finder to find a dentist and check where Direct Pay is available.

Orthodontic Dental Claiming

To submit your claim for orthodontic treatment, you will need a completed Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) form and Orthodontic claim form.

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