What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Act (GDPR) is considered to be the most significant piece of European data protection legislation to be introduced in the European Union (EU) in 20 years and will replace the 1995 Data Protection Directive. The GDPR enhances EU individual’s privacy rights and places significantly enhanced obligations on organizations handling data. At DeCare Dental, we are committed to making GDPR a success. The GDPR regulates the processing of personal data about individuals in the European Union including its collection, storage, transfer or use. The concept of “personal data” is broadly defined and covers any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual, defined by GDPR as a “data subject”. For most companies, this includes employees and customers. GDPR identifies two entities that may possess personal data. A data controller exercises control over the processing of personal data and decides which data to collect. A data processor acts at the direction of a data controller to collect, store, retrieve and/or delete personal data.


DeCare’s Data Processing Agreement (DPA)

Business customers may need to sign a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) with DeCare Dental to assist in their GDPR compliance. Please request the DPA agreement from your DeCare Dental representative or email us at compliance@decaredental.eu.