5 Reasons Why You Should offer Dental as a Benefit to your Staff


Employee benefits are more and more becoming an expectation in the workplace. So, how can you differentiate and make sure that the benefits you offer will help to attract and retain your key talent? Here’s 5 key reasons why you should consider adding dental insurance to your benefits package…

1) Employees Want It

According to research, 85% of Irish workers would be interested or very interested in dental insurance if their employer paid for it on their behalf (1). In the 18-25 age category, that figure rose to a whopping 99%.

2) Employees Need It

The majority of Irish people (92%) say how their teeth look is important to them (1). Despite this, 56% of Irish people avoid dental treatment because of the cost (2), which can have a long term affect not only on their dental health but also on their general health and wellbeing.

Dental insurance can help to bridge this gap.

3) It’s a High Value: Low Cost Benefit

For the small cost to administer a DeCare Dental insurance plan, you can give employees full cover for their routine dental exams, cleanings and x-rays. Plus you can choose what level of minor and major cover you want to add to this, depending on your budget and the needs of your team.

So, every time an employee with dental insurance visits their dentist, they will be grateful to have a plan that takes away some of the financial pain. Both the financial and oral health value to the member far exceed the cost to the company.

4) It Can Improve Staff Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing is getting more and more exposure in the workplace and rightly so. Dental insurance has a part to play in helping people to be more proactive about their oral health. In fact, more than 8 out of 10 (84%) of Irish people would visit the dentist more often if a free dental exam was part of their dental insurance policy (1). That could also help to reduce the 1 in 10 Irish people who have missed work days due to dental related issues (1).

5) Set-Up is Fast and Simple

Offering a dental plan to your team is easy. Our corporate team can talk you through our range of plans, which offer stepped benefit options to ensure there is something for every need and budget. Once you’ve decided which is the best plan for you, DeCare’s dedicated online platform allows you to upload membership simply and quickly.

Then our product and oral health wellness specialists will work with your team to make sure they understand the plans and get the most from them for both their pocket and their oral health. Your account manager will work with you to develop a customised oral health calendar that aligns with any existing Health and Wellness programs that you may already have.

So, what are you waiting for? To find out more, contact one of our corporate consultants on 094 937 8608 today or visit www.decare.ie/corporate

(1)  Empathy research, 2014

(2)  Empathy research, 2013