Managing those January/Pandemic Blues

We successfully got through the first week of January, however the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has left many people struggling with their mental health. As we are currently in the midst of more restrictions but in place by the government, it is now more important than ever to keep the spirits up & concentrate on mind and body, and remind yourself that better days are coming and we will get through this.

It is very important that we follow government regulations so we can get isolation guidelines and travel bans lifted as quickly as possible by remaining indoors to prevent the spread of the virus. We know that this will have a toll on our mental health, so here, we’ll give tips on how to beat the blues and survive isolation from family and friends.

  • Get Outside – exposure to daylight is very good for you. Our brain’s love to be in the sunlight and it helps regulate our sleep cycles properly.
  • Try Something New – Is there something you wished you had done in back in March, April or even last summer, start/complete a project, take up a new hobby etc.. Why not use this time wisely, bite the bullet and set a goal for yourself?
  • Exercise – It instantly boosts your mood and can make a huge, vital difference to your day.
  • Sleep – Sleep is vital. It is vital for our mood and a lack of it can have a huge affect on anxiety and depression symptoms. 
  • Go easy on the New Year resolutions – Try and make realistic goals, simple targets that you are well able to hit. However, go easy on yourself if you are not motivated to get all your ducks in a row this January. Social Media is flooded with people getting on top of their steps, water intake, exercise and overall routine. Don’t get bogged down if you are not as organised as others. Start with small goals (eg – 5000 steps, an extra pint of water in the day, heading to bed a little earlier etc etc.) We are currently living in a very strange world and anxiety is heightened. Ireland being back in Level 5 restrictions also takes it toll on people’s mental health.
  • Communicate – January is not an easy time for everyone, after the buzz of the festive period so combined with a global pandemic, it’s important to keep the lines of communication open with your loved ones. Our wellness and health promotion manager, David Casey, wrote a brilliant article on why your top New Year’s resolution should be connection, check it out here