David Casey is One to Watch!


Workplace Wellbeing Ireland

Our Wellness and Health Promotion Manager, Dave Casey, was listed as one to watch in Workplace Wellness in 2021.

Brian from WWI said “What a year 2020 was. One of the positives to take from the turmoil has been the focus that has been placed on wellbeing and mental health. 2020 was a year when I first noticed TV and radio ads mentioning the importance of looking after our mental health. It was also a year where many Irish organisations properly prioritised the wellbeing of their employees. If you don’t have healthy people, you can’t have a healthy business. Is the penny finally dropping?

I still see many “random acts of wellness” masquerading as wellness programmes in Irish workplaces but progress is being made. More and more organisations have identified wellbeing as a strategic priority and no longer a “nice to have”. In order for wellbeing to be strategic you must first have a framework. In 2020 I launched my Developing a Workplace Wellness Programme that Lasts online programme and it’s been really heartening to see so many people work through this 8 step framework and apply it to their own work environment.

I will continue to promote the importance of wellbeing in Irish workplaces but I can’t do it on my own. I’ve put together a list of people that I’ve met through my work that I believe will have a significant role to play in shaping the future of workplace wellness in Ireland over the coming years. I’ve also gathered some of their thoughts and expectations on what we can expect to see in this area in 2021.”



David CaseyRDN, works for DeCare as the Wellness Health Promotion manager for Ireland and Europe. He holds a M.A. in Health Promotion with specialist interest in Mental Health and Workplace Wellbeing from NUIG. David also guest lectures on the Outreach Specialist Certificate and Postgraduate Health Promotion programmes in Galway. In May 2020, David took on the role as Mental Health Ambassador with See Change Ireland, educating media, communities and workplaces on experiences with stigma and anxiety and the positive promotion of mental health in Ireland.  

‘Workplace Wellness saw many challenges in 2020. Companies and wellness moved and adapted quickly to form a remote support network. Engagement faced its challenges with a sea of digital remote messages. Remote wellness is here to stay but a more blended work environment of remote and office will be the way forward, as wellness continues to play a huge role in our recovery. Mental health and the stigma around mental health was put centre stage during the pandemic. Covid-19 called out the elephant in the room in relation to talking about our mental health; our thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Organisational Change around stigma and self-stigma was made, as many companies engaged employees on the topic of mental health. Organisations were able to signpost a pathway of referral in the form of EAP programs, mental health first aiders and training line managers to have the conversation of “are you ok?”. Mental health difficulties affected 1in1 in 2020 as everyone was compromised by this pandemic. Resilience in teams and managers was demonstrated throughout 2020 as businesses had to adapt, change and innovate quickly’.

Well done Dave! To read the full list, click here.