10 Signs that You Should Book an Eye Exam


60% of the world’s population requires vision correction

80% of all visual impairment can be avoided or corrected

Figuring out if you need glasses is simply a matter of understanding the symptoms of vision loss. While the presence of one or more of these signs may not mean a vision problem, an eye exam is recommended to be safe. An eye doctor can help you understand what is causing these changes.

  • Fuzzy Optics

If you have trouble recognising a friend from across a room or are holding your digital tablet at arm’s length, you may be developing farsightedness (hyperopia) or near-sightedness (myopia). If it’s challenging to see objects both near and far, it could be astigmatism, a common condition involving a curvature of the eye lens, or cornea.

  • Computing Issues

If you cannot stand to read another word of that work project on your computer, it may have more to do with farsightedness than the assignment. Boot up on the same website each day and sit at the same, measured distance to see if your vision worsens.

  • Slight Night Sight

If you can no longer make out the difference between a shrub and a dog while on your nightly walk, you may be experiencing signs of early cataracts. You should be examined —soon.

  • Dark to Light Blues

If it takes your eyes longer to adjust after the screen goes dark in the theatre, it likely means the muscles that help your irises contract and expand are weakening. It is likely age-related, as are many vision problems.

  • Eye Fatigue

Focusing is to our eyes what push-ups are to our upper bodies— a workout. When we regularly squint or blink to bring items into focus, we get eye fatigue. Other causes include driving, writing, staring at your smartphone or general blurry vision, or presbyopia. Take regular breaks and adjust the lights to reduce glare. If the fatigue persists, see your doctor.

  • Pounding Temples

Sometimes the mechanism that helps the cornea and lens focus on images fails, and the small muscles in the eye are forced to work harder. The resulting eye strain can cause headaches. So if your head hurts after a lot of reading or focusing, you may need glasses.

  • Double Troubles

Seeing two cookies when there’s only one is not only disappointing, it may signal more serious issues. Seeing double, or diplopia, might indicate problems with your cornea or eye muscles or can be a symptom of cataracts. Call the doctor on the double.

  • Curvy Lines

If the blinds on the windows begin looking like they are under water, it’s time for an eye exam. Distorted lines and fading colours could be evidence of macular degeneration, the deterioration of the central portion of the retina and a leading cause of vision loss.

  • Hello Halos

If you see rings of light around people or objects, and they are not being backlit, you may be developing cataracts or night vision problems. These glowing eye halos are usually more pronounced in the dark. Fortunately, cataract risk can be reduced with a good diet, sunglasses and no smoking.

  • Pressing Issues

A sense of pressure or pushing in the back of your eye could indicate developing glaucoma. Don’t be alarmed—it’s highly treatable. What happens is the angle in your eye causes pressure build-up that can damage the optic nerve, which transmits images to your brain. Not everyone with eye pressure has glaucoma, but you should still get it checked.