New Year, New Toothbrush

The new year is almost upon us and with that comes pressure. There is pressure put on us all to set new goals and challenges for the year ahead. If you are already feeling the stress of where to begin for some of those goals, a simple place to start can be looking at your health. Ask yourself what small changes I can make every day to bring about a positive change in my health. A healthier diet swap, thirty minutes walking throughout my day or something that is often overlooked like changing that toothbrush or planning that dental visit for the year ahead.

Dental experts recommend changing your toothbrush when the bristles have become frayed or at least every three months. If the bristles become frayed they lose their effectiveness so you will not get an accurate clean. Research has shown that a new toothbrush can remove the plaque biofilm that if not removed can lead to dental decay, gum disease and poorer oral health. This is a simple resolution you can add to the New Year ahead that helps give you a happier healthier smile. It is also best practice to change your toothbrush after being ill. Whatever toothbrush you use, change the head regularly. Electric toothbrushes are scientifically proven to be better than manual toothbrushes at removing plaque biofilm.

It is also important to remember to change your toothbrush when you are sick. Toothbrush bristles do not kill bacteria in the mouth, protect you against disease or prevent you from getting sick. Make sure you change your brush regularly for maximum effectiveness and to practice diligent hygiene, despite the type of toothbrush you’re using.

There are two styles of toothbrush that you can choose from: manual and electric. Choose whatever brush feels comfortable and makes you want to brush your teeth.

The manual toothbrush:

A manual toothbrush is portable and ready to use at any time. It makes no noise and you have complete control on the pressure you put on your teeth and gums.

The electric toothbrush:

This requires charging and is slightly more awkward when travelling. The rotating movement of the bristles make it easier to clean between your teeth and the gum line. Many electric toothbrushes have built-in sensors to make sure you brush long enough and that you don’t press down too hard.


Always keep your toothbrush clean as your toothbrush is your first line of defense against the bacteria that causes gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath. After brushing your teeth, rinse the lingering saliva and toothpaste off your brush. Store your toothbrush in an upright position, ensuring the bristles air dry. Always make sure your brush is dry between uses. It is important to keep your toothbrush from touching others when it is stored. A toothbrush holder with slots for several brushes to hang upright is a worthwhile investment in your family’s health.