It’s Back to School Time. Relax…DeCare Has You Covered!

Back to School Oral Hygiene Tips For Kids

The school year is beginning again. Where did the time go?

Your child at this stage may have the books and the school uniform for the new school year, but do they have their healthy mouth ready? First things first, let’s get that lunchbox right.

Eating Healthy Lunches and Snacks

Your child’s lunchbox/schoolbag should include grains, milk, cheese, raw vegetables, yoghurt or fruit. Cut back on sugary foods and sweets, biscuits and cakes. Include water instead of processed juices and fizzy drinks.

Brushing for all ages

Whether its preschool or primary school, there is an oral care regime to suit all age groups.

6 months to 2 years

  • Clean teeth and gums with soft children’s brush and warm water.
  • Bring a child to the dentist before their 1st birthday and ask about when to introduce fluoride toothpaste. (Avg 1st tooth comes at 6 months)

2 to 7 years

  • Use a pea size amount of normal adult fluoride toothpaste
  • Assist your child with brushing in the morning and at night time
  • Spit out after brushing and do not swallow toothpaste. Remember – spit, don’t rinse.
  • Delay brushing for 1 hour after snacking
  • Bring your child to the dentist once a year

Mouth Guards

Wearing a properly fitted mouth guard while participating in organised sports, PE classes or playground activities. Read more on sport-related dental injuries and mouth guards here.

Create Good Oral Health Habits

According to research from the American Journal of Public Health on a study that was done on the ‘Impact of Poor Oral Health on Children’s School Attendance and Performance’, Children with poorer oral health status were more likely to experience dental pain, miss school and perform poorly in school.

These findings suggest that improving children’s oral health status may be a vehicle to enhancing their educational experience. How you care for your child’s teeth will affect their ability to learn and to grow up healthy. By encouraging good oral health habits in your family, you will help keep your child’s teeth healthy and strong and give them a smile to treasure for a lifetime.