Flossing 101: The Simple Habit for a Brighter, Cleaner Smile.


The Benefits

Prevents gum disease

Gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) starts when dental plaque biofilm builds up along your gumline. Over time, the bacteria in dental plaque biofilm can cause your gums to become inflamed, bleed, and pull away from your teeth. Regular interdental cleaning helps remove this before it has a chance to cause damage, keeping your gums healthy and strong. 

Reduces the risk of cavities

Interdental cleaning is not about protecting your gums. When food particles get stuck between your teeth, they can break down into sugars that fuel bacteria. These bacteria produce acid, which can erode the enamel on your teeth, leading to cavities. Inter dental cleaning helps remove food debris, cutting off the bacteria’s food supply. 

Keeps bad breath at bay

Bad breath, or halitosis, is often caused by food particles that remain stuck between teeth, breaking down and releasing unpleasant odours. By interdental cleaning daily, you remove these hidden culprits and enjoy fresher breath. Cleaning your tongue with a brush or tongue scrapper can also keep bad breath at bay. 

Promotes heart health and helps with diabetes

Believe it or not, your oral health can have a direct impact on your heart health and on control of diabetes. Research suggests that the same bacteria responsible for gum disease can enter your bloodstream and contribute to heart disease and stroke. Keeping gums healthy also helps with diabetes management. Interdental cleaning and brushing correctly helps heart health and diabetes by maintaining healthy gums and reducing the risk of inflammation that can affect both of these health conditions.

Saves you money on dental care

Preventative care, like interdental cleaning can save you from more costly dental treatments down the road. By keeping gum disease, cavities, and tooth decay at bay, you reduce the need for fillings, root canals, or more intensive treatments. 

Overcoming Barriers to Interdental Cleaning

Despite all the benefits, many people cleaning between their teeth. Some claim it is too time-consuming, uncomfortable, or even unnecessary. But these excuses can be easily addressed: 

“I don’t have time.”

Interdental cleaning takes only 1-2 minutes! Consider it an investment in your long-term health that only requires a small commitment each day. 

“Does interdental cleaning hurt?”

Interdental cleaning with brushes rarely causes discomfort because correct brush sizes fit comfortably into the inter dental spaces between your teeth. It could be a sign of gum inflammation from not cleaning regularly and thoroughly. Stick with it for a few days, and you will notice less sensitivity as your gums become healthier.

“When I use dental floss it hurts sometimes.”

If it hurts when you use dental floss get advice and instruction from a dental hygienist who will show you the most suitable inter dental cleaning method for you including flossing if that the most suitable method for you. 

Other Interdental Devices

Floss picks

These handy tools have a short piece of floss attached to a handle, making it easier to reach the back of your mouth. 

Water flossers

These devices use a stream of water to clean between your teeth and along the gumline. They are especially helpful for people with braces or dental work like crowns and bridges.

The Bottom Line

Interdental cleaning is an essential part of a healthy oral care routine that protects your gums, teeth,  heart health and diabetes. Skipping this small step can lead to big problems down the road, from gum disease and cavities to more serious health concerns. So, next time you pick up your toothbrush, do not forget to use inter dental cleaners too. Make interdental cleaning a priority today, and you will be rewarded with a lifetime of healthy smiles.