Back to School – Ways to Protect your Children’s Eyes.

A Parent’s Guide

Kids might not raise their hand if they don’t know the answer, and that includes when their vision is blurry. Many children don’t realise if their eyesight is off. From tripping over things to tilting their head, there are signs parents should know to keep their kids’ vision sharp and healthy.

Want your child to do well in school? Clear vision is a great place to start. Around 80% of learning comes through the eyes, but 1 in 4 school-age children have a vision problem. Many kids don’t even know something is wrong, so it’s up to parents to notice the signs and take action. To help, here’s a vision checklist to get your child ready for school.

School Check-Ups aren’t enough

School eye tests can catch some problems, but they aren’t a guarantee your child’s eyes are healthy. If a screening shows a problem, visit an optician for a full eye exam. This can check how well the eyes work together and overall eye health.

Vision and Behaviour can be linked

If a child’s grades drop or their behaviour changes, poor vision might be the reason. Sometimes, kids with vision issues are wrongly thought to have behavioural problems like ADHD. Before jumping to conclusions, notice if your child holds things too close or far away. If so, it might be time for an eye test.

Reading struggles might be Vision troubles

If your child doesn’t like reading, it could be because the words look blurry. This can cause headaches, tiredness, and even dizziness. A sign of vision problems is using a finger to follow along while reading. Try activities like connect-the-dots or mazes to see how your child’s vision skills are.

Make eye tests routine

By age 6, children should have had three eye tests. If you haven’t gotten there yet, it’s not too late! Make trips to the optician part of your back-to-school routine along with shopping for supplies.

Watch for Head Tilting

If your child tilts their head while reading or often rubs their eyes, it could be a sign of a vision problem. The same goes for covering one eye while reading.

More to Clumsiness than meets the Eye

If your child often bumps into things or trips, it might not just be clumsiness. Poor vision could be the cause. See an optician to check before assuming it’s just an accident.

Computer Vision Syndrome is real

Too much computer time can strain your child’s eyes and lead to early near-sightedness. Limit screen time, ensure regular eye tests, and make sure their computer setup fits their size.

Choose the Right Lenses

Kids are active, so choose polycarbonate lenses, which are lightweight, impact-resistant, and scratch-resistant. Also, opt for UV protection to shield their eyes from the sun.

To help your child succeed in school, remember that clear vision is key! Include a visit to the optician into the back-to-school routine for happy, healthier learning!