The Importance of Sleep for your Eyes

A lack of sleep can cause problems in many areas of your life, but did you know that it can have an impact on your eyes?

Healthy eyes and sleep are intimately related and the more sleep you get, the better your eyes are going to feel.

Experts recommend that we get at least 7 hours of sleep each night to stay both physically and mentally refreshed. It is estimated that around 40% of adults get only 6 hours or less of sleep per night. It’s often said that a lack of sleep leads to black rings around your eyes but it also can affect how your eyes function and how comfortable they feel. We need 5 hours of sleep at minimum for our eyes to be refreshed and ready for a new day. Too little sleep makes eye strain, dry eyes, and eye twitches more likely. Fortunately, our eyes can help us get a better quality of sleep if we know how to take advantage of that.

With the pressures of life, your eyes need a break as they’re almost constantly required to focus. Whether you’re using a computer to work, reading books, looking at your phone or driving, you’re putting strain on your eyes. Even the environment around you can contribute to tired eyes. These factors all make getting a good amount of sleep each night important so that you can recover from the strains of the day.

The benefits of sleep;

  • It’s a long period of time that your eyes don’t need to focus.
  • During sleep your body replenishes the supply of natural tears, keeping them hydrated.
  • Well-rested eyes are also less likely to be affected by burst blood vessels, which can lead to an unappealing red and bloodshot appearance and discomfort.

REM (‘rapid eye movement’) sleep is important in your eyes recovery. The small movements your eyes make during this part of sleep work the way that stretches do for your body, and help to relax your eyes so that they perform better. They also prevent eye spasms which, while usually harmless, can be uncomfortable and irritating, particularly if they happen often.

Tips for getting a restful sleep and healthy feeling eyes:

  • Plan your next day by writing down what you’re going to do, so you don’t lie in bed thinking about it.
  • Relax for a bit without using a screen or reading.
  • You could take a hot bath to unwind.
  • Light yoga or stretching can help the body unwind before bed.
  • Avoid any blue lights.