Men’s Health Week 2020

It is important that men and boys be mindful of their health and be aware of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.”

What steps can I take for better, overall health?

  1. Take care of your body and mind
  2. Stay active
  3. Take care of your mental health
  4. Practice good sleeping habits
  5. Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  6. Monitor your alcohol intake and avoid smoking and drug taking

When it comes to taking steps for better health, we know it’s not always easy. Every man has their own approach and is on their own unique personal health journey.

“Good oral health is essential for good general health”

Good oral hygiene may reduce your risk of ulcers, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Be on the look-out for signs of gum disease (such as red, swollen, tender or bleeding gums, persistent bad breath or loose teeth) and tooth decay (pain, swelling, inflammation) and see your dentist regularly to catch these issues early. Although it’s important for all men to be diligent with their dental health, some men should take extra time to make sure their oral hygiene is at its best.

Men’s Health – Dental Tips
  1. Say NO to smoking – It is important to note that many oral cancers are linked with modifiable behaviors such as smoking, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol consumption – “Cigarettes have tar and nicotine that can make the teeth look yellow. These are elements which can cause damage to your lungs and make your teeth look unsightly.
  2. Don’t forget to change your toothbrush every 3 months – This tip may seem very obvious but research shows that men change their toothbrush less frequently than women do. Preventive care starts at home with good upkeep including regular brushing habits and ensuring that you use clean tools to take care of your oral health. Procrastinating on purchasing and replacing a toothbrush or getting your regular checkup means that potential disease could already be taking place. Your at-home upkeep and regular checkups from your dental professional can all aid in maintaining proper oral health care and detecting potential disease problems in the early stages leading to swift treatment.