DeCare Dental and Gortskehy National School join forces in space

DeCare Dental Insurance Ireland hosted the pupils of the local Gortskehy National School at its head office in Claremorris, Co. Mayo. This was to celebrate the company’s sponsorship of the school’s space balloon flight which was launched last summer.

The balloon contained a DeCare Dental branded toothbrush that reached our stratosphere reaching a colossal altitude of 28 kilometres. The innovative Roundfort based primary school undertook the project to explore the science of space and expand their knowledge of our atmosphere.

Under the careful tutelage of its teachers the pupils diligently researched and planned their very own space expedition that DeCare Dental Insurance Ireland were delighted to support. The voyage was launched at a nearby farm in Hollymount and was captured in its entirety on video. After reaching its peak height the space balloon descended to an area of farmland 125 kilometres away between Casteplollard, Co. Westmeath and Athboy, Co. Meath. The flight was deemed a resounding success.

During their visit to the offices of DeCare Dental, Maureen Walsh (CEO) congratulated the staff and pupils in undertaking such a mammoth project. The children also thanked DeCare Dental for the sponsorship of their journey into space and presented the exact toothbrush used in the flight to Maureen.

Gortskehy National School present toothbrush to Maureen Walsh, DeCare Dental

An insight was provided to Gortskehy National School by Maureen Walsh into the real-life workings of the business at their Irish headquarters and beyond. In-house dental professional, Noeleen Lowry also educated the pupils on the detrimental effect that added sugar processed foods and drinks can have on our dental health. She also demonstrated to those in attendance on how an individual would estimate the amount of added sugar contained in what we eat.

Noeleen educating pupils on how much added sugar is in our food

DeCare Dental Insurance Ireland believes strongly in supporting the youth in its community. The company understands it has a contribution to make in building vibrant communities and supporting innovative change that is both empowering and participative for our younger generations. DeCare Dental also works in partnership with Junior Achievement Ireland where employees volunteer to undertake education programmes in local schools. JAI is a leading non-profit organisation which focuses on entrepreneurship education in both primary and secondary level and encourages young people to remain in education by helping them develop the skills they need to succeed in a changing world. It is a charitable group that the company is proud to be associated with.

Maureen informing Gortskehy National School about life at DeCare Dental

Gortskehy National School is a primary level school founded in 1887. It is located in the parish of Roundfort, Co. Mayo and contains boys and girls. The school prides itself on creating a positive working atmosphere among teachers, pupils and parents that stimulates a dynamic learning environment. The space balloon can be viewed on You Tube by clicking on the following link: