Health Research

Sustainability of healthcare systems with a changing demographic and health profile is a worldwide concern. Oral health care systems face a similar challenge. Research and innovation involving multiple stakeholders including consumers and providers of care is essential towards evolving more sustainable models of care and wellbeing. DeCare Dental is working very closely with local, EU and international partners to improve oral and general health for our own members and for the wider community in Ireland and overseas.

DeCare Dental’s involvement in the Advocate Project

DeCare Dental a Partner in European Health Research Project.

DeCare Dental is a partner in the ADVOCATE Project, funded by the EU Commission under the Public Health Research and Innovation Program of Horizon 2020. This program is concerned with developing and comparing new models for safe and efficient, prevention oriented health and care systems.

The ADVOCATE Project involves both public and private sector partners from 6 EU countries including Ireland, The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and Hungary. These six countries represent 5 different types of healthcare systems, Ireland (Hybrid) UK (Beveridgian) Netherlands and Germany Bismarckian) Denmark (Nordic) and Hungary (Eastern European in Transition). The project which commenced in June 2015 will continue for another 4 years. During this time a series of interlinking research activities will combine to produce a number of innovations which will facilitate the gradual transformation of oral health care systems to become more preventively orientated, patient focused and sustainable for the 21st century.